Dirt Nap City
Dirt Nap City is the podcast about interesting dead people. In each episode, Alex and Kelly dive into the life of a famous person that you have heard of, but probably don't know much about. Our stories are about actors, entrepreneurs, politicians, musicians, inventors, and more! The show is funny and light-hearted, but also informative and educational. You will definitely learn something new and probably have some laughs along the way. Everyone will eventually move to Dirt Nap City, so why not go ahead and meet the neighbors?
If you really love hearing stories from Dirt Nap City, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/DirtNapCityPodcast
If you have comments about the show or suggestions on who we should cover, please email us at not@dirtnapcity.com - we really appreciate you listening!
Dirt Nap City
What Was Scratch and Sniff? A Dirt Nap City Dead End
Do you remember when you could scratch a picture in a book and smell the picture that you were scratching? Strawberries? Yum! Mint? Fresh! Dog Poop? Yuck!
In this episode of Dirt Nap City, we'll explore the fascinating history of products designed to stimulate our sense of smell, from the quirky to the cutting-edge.
First, we'll delve into the world of scratch-and-sniff stickers and books. These innovative products, popularized in the 1970s and 80s, allowed readers to experience a multi-sensory reading experience. We'll discuss the science behind these fragrant wonders and share some of the most iconic and bizarre scents that were once available.
Next, we'll turn our attention to the ambitious experiment in cinematic history known as "Smell-O-Vision." This short-lived technology aimed to enhance the movie-going experience by releasing synchronized scents into the theater. We'll examine the technical challenges, the public's reaction, and the lasting impact of this pioneering attempt to engage all the senses.
Drop us a quick text and we’ll reply in the next episode!
Dirt Nap City is the show about interesting dead people.
Subscribe and listen to learn about people you've heard of, but don't know much about.
Someday we'll all live in Dirt Nap City, so you should probably go ahead and meet the neighbors!