Dirt Nap City
Dirt Nap City is the podcast about interesting dead people. In each episode, Alex and Kelly dive into the life of a famous person that you have heard of, but probably don't know much about. Our stories are about actors, entrepreneurs, politicians, musicians, inventors, and more! The show is funny and light-hearted, but also informative and educational. You will definitely learn something new and probably have some laughs along the way. Everyone will eventually move to Dirt Nap City, so why not go ahead and meet the neighbors?
If you really love hearing stories from Dirt Nap City, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/DirtNapCityPodcast
If you have comments about the show or suggestions on who we should cover, please email us at not@dirtnapcity.com - we really appreciate you listening!
Dirt Nap City
What Were Hippies? A Dirt Nap City Dead End
In this episode, we dive deep into the vibrant and revolutionary hippie movement of the 1960s. Join us as we explore the cultural, social, and political landscape that gave rise to this counterculture phenomenon. We'll examine the key events, figures, and ideas that shaped the hippie movement, from Woodstock and the Summer of Love to the rise of psychedelic drugs and the anti-war protests.
We'll also discuss the lasting impact of the hippie generation on society. How have their ideals of peace, love, and freedom influenced subsequent generations? What enduring cultural contributions have they left behind? From music and fashion to environmentalism and social activism, we'll explore the ways in which the hippie legacy continues to shape our world today.
Drop us a quick text and we’ll reply in the next episode!
Dirt Nap City is the show about interesting dead people.
Subscribe and listen to learn about people you've heard of, but don't know much about.
Someday we'll all live in Dirt Nap City, so you should probably go ahead and meet the neighbors!